It’s been more than 2 years since the last time we posted on this blog, but we are back!!! We weren’t really gone, only focused on different things. As a small recap, the last time we spoke, Kate and I had just finished a six month service trip in rural Zimbabwe. We weren’t yet married and were returning home to California with new experiences had, and new perspectives formed. In the six months that we were away, Africa, in a way only it knows how, boiled away much of the periphery in our lives. What remained after nearly 200 days, were the things most important to us. The horizon of opportunity in front of us felt endless.
Since then, a lot has happened. We’ve been married… twice… once in the historic San Francisco courthouse, and once surrounded by our closest friends and family in Sayulita, Mexico. We bought a house in March of 2018. And just earlier this year Kate and I both acquired our professional credentials (Kate as a licensed architect in the state of California and Chris as a California Certified General Electrician). During this time, our relationship with photography had wained, if it didn’t involve architecture or electrons, it took a back seat. Period.
When I think about relationships and my interests and the natural progression of how they’ve unfolded in my life, they usually go something like this… fascination, obsession, regression, boredom, breakup, and then a longing for things lost. Sometimes, if you’re diligent you can find your way back to your original foundation, but in so many cases an unhealthy obsession leads to a passion in decline; which inevitably produces the opposite of health. The more time you spend in an unhealthy chapter, determines how hard it is to find your way back. Not to say that Kate and I fell into an unhealthy relationship with photography and writing, but as it had become exclusively a tool for supplemental income, our passion to take the camera places and sit down to put pen to paper had all but disappeared. After all of the hard work, and milestones reached, Kate and I needed to take a deep breath. During our collective exhale, we realized that we had stopped blogging/writing, and the days were just sort of passing us by.
I’m not sure if it is vain to read your own blog, but one day, that’s exactly what I did. I started from the beginning and began reading about some of the early trips Kate and I had taken. There were so many memories that I had already forgotten. And now at 31, realizing that memory is flawed, I finally understand all the photo albums my grandma would put together… Its a living history that you can hold in your hands. There’s nothing like flipping through the pages of your past to help you remember the things you thought you had forgotten.
We’re attempting something new. For us, the world is most exciting when we are reaching for something, and since the goals on the previous list have been accomplished; it’s time for a new list. It’s time for a new beginning, so come along with us. For the rest of the year we have committed ourselves to new experiences and to new photos and new words. Because life, at the end of the day, is worth remembering.
Love, Chris and Kate
P.S. While we haven’t really been blogging, we have continued to keep up our business, the photos to follow are some of our favorites from the past two years.